The user with SystemUserId in OrganizationContext is not licensed

Today while creating Account record, I got the below error.

The user with SystemUserId = “” in OrganizationContext = “” is not licensed, and its SystemUserAccessMode=0 is not either of (NonInteractive=4, SetupUser=1)

I did the below steps to resolve this issue

  1. I checked the “AccessMode” of the logged in user but it sets to “ReadWrite” mode which is OK.
  2. I compared the Guid of the logged in user and SystemUserId from the error message, both are not same, so decided that there is no problem with logged in user.
  3. Finally, I did check the processes and I found there is one process which is running on create of Account owned by an disabled user.

I assigned this particular process to another service user which resolves this issue.

Hope this helps.